Joshua’s House Volunteer Hospice
Marlene M. von Friederichs-Fitzwater, MA, Ph.D., MPH
Kris Kington-Barker, INELDA, End of Life Doulas
Randele Kanouse, BA, MA, JD, Veteran Services
Barbara Fitzwater, BA, MPA, Volunteer Program
Christine Brennan, Spiritual Care
Angela Strawn, Ed.D, MSN, RN, Educational Agreements
Scott Kirchner, EdD, Natomas Community Outreach
Sharon Jennings, Natomas Community Outreach
Romer Cristobal, President, Natomas Chamber of Commerce
Grace-Jasmine Ferdinand, Owner/Operations Manager, The Freshly Fresh
New Member to be Added in August 2022:
Patrick Cody, South Natomas Resident
Affiliated Members:
Robert DeSager, Chief Technical Officer
Rebecca Krisman, MD, MPH, Medical Director
Michael Van Hofwegen, Chaplain
John Brown, Environmental Manager, JHVH
Drake Sapigao, Perry Communications Group
Julia Spiess Lewis, Perry Communications Group