Dear Dr. von Friederichs-Fitzwater:

Wellspring Women’s Center is pleased to support Joshua’s House, a hospice house for the terminally ill homeless, on the Loaves & Fishes campus In Sacramento. We are appalled at the number of our homelesscommunity members that are founddead on the streets without the comfort, care, and dignity that should be afforded every member of our society at the end of life.

At Wellspring Women’s Center, 15% of our guests are currently homeless and 40% have been homeless in the past two years. Many struggle with chronic health issues and attempts to receive health care for serious conditions are thwarted by the daily stresses of securing basic necessities. We have witnessed their despair and suffering. With this firsthand experience, we fully support your mission to provide a hospice house for individuals experiencing terminal illness and homelessness.

We agree that having a safe, comfortable, home-like facility for our terminally ill homeless neighbors is critical. Joshua’s House would provide the much needed compassion and care that each person deserves as they are faced with the dying process. We are pleased to partner with youto bring much­ needed hospice care to our community and ensure that the poorest among us have an opportunity to die with dignity and respect.

Genelle Smith, LCSW
Women’s Wellness Coordinator
Wellspring Women’s Center

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Robert DeSaeger

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